Our Vision:
Inspiring Oklahoma students to pursue careers in aviation, aerospace, engineering, and other STEAM careers
OAA Motto:
Education- Exposure- Experience
OAA Goal Statement:
The Oklahoma Aviation Academy at Norman Public Schools will provide students with:
A carefully curated performance-based Education combining the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) high school science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics (STEAM) curriculum--including Pilot, UAS (remote drone pilot), and Aviation Career Preparation courses; the Tango Flight curriculum including the construction of an FAA-certified airplane; the Civil Air Patrol leadership courses; Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Engineering courses; the Aviation History course; and additional core classes using Oklahoma State Department of Education content standards.
A thorough Exposure to aviation, aerospace, engineering, and other STEAM-related careers and academic opportunities through educational field trips, tours, experiences, and industry-specific speakers.
A unique provision of Experience in the STEAM fields through hands-on aircraft builds, mentorships, internships, University of Oklahoma aviation courses, and other local university concurrent college courses, Moore-Norman Technology Center industry training courses, including certifications and hands-on learning opportunities in classes that prepare students to be college or career ready.
A targeted and holistic educational experience allows each student to graduate from the Oklahoma Aviation Academy at Norman Public Schools as an adult with a plan to be Enrolled as a college or technical school student, Enlisted as a full- or part-time military personnel, or Employed as an aviation, aerospace, engineering, or STEM-related industry professional. Director: Terry Adams
Email Terry Adams