Norman Parents as Teachers

How do you help your children learn, grow, and develop to realize their full potential?  


Information: This program is free of cost and designed to serve a range of ages of children from families who are expecting a child (prenatal) to those with a newborn, infant, toddler, or preschool-age child. Children can be served in the program until they are ready for a positive school transition in Pre-K or Kindergarten.

Enrolled families receive:

  • Personalized home visits from certified parent educators trained by National Parents As Teachers

  • Parent educators provide family support and information about a child’s development to assist in parents being their child’s first and most influential teachers

Child Developmental Screenings
  Early Partnership between school and home:

  • Positive first school experience

  • Help prepare families and children for school readiness

NPAT provides a weekly come and go Stay and Play for enrolled parents and children held at Jackson Elementary.

Monthly Parent Group meetings
  Resources and referrals:

  • Connect parents to community resources

  • Provide referrals to appropriate professionals within the community

  • Use reliable research-based curricula

  • New topic each month


Amy Madden
NPAT Supervisor/Parent Educator
Email Amy Madden

Patricia Yanez
NPAT Bilingual Parent Educator
Email Patricia Yanez

Mitra Evans
NPAT Parent Educator
Email Mitra Evans

You can reach NPAT by phone at (405) 366-5884.