Libraries and Instructional Technology

The mission of School Libraries at Norman Public Schools is to transform learning by creating collaborative and inclusive communities that foster inquiry and innovation. 

The core values of Norman Public Schools' school librarians are Inquiry, Innovation, Literacy, and Intellectual Freedom. 

Libraries and Instructional Technology Staff

The Libraries and Instructional Technology Department is available to assist you with instructional materials, library services, instructional technology professional learning needs, and media literacy education. Policies and regulations related to copyright, instructional technology, and materials selection and reconsideration are outlined in NPS Board Policy. If you have any questions about these policies or procedures, please contact Amanda Kordeliski at 366-5864 or

Photo of Amanda Kordeliski

Amanda Kordeliski

Director of Libraries & Instructional Technology

Email Amanda Kordeliski

Learning in Libraries: Guided Inquiry Making & Learning results from the Norman Pulblic Schools IMLS grant to explore the guided inquiry design research method and making in school libraries

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