Arrival & Dismissal

Please note: Families who have students enrolled at both Truman Primary and Truman Elementary will need to drop off and pick up their child at their assigned campus. Students who walk or ride bikes may use the sidewalk between the schools as needed.


  • Students may enter the building beginning at 7:25. PreK and Kdg students will arrive and enter through the south doors. 1st and 2nd grade students will enter through the north side doors.

  • Walkers/bike riders may enter either the north, south or front doors. Parents are welcome to park and walk students to the north or south doors but ALL parents/visitors need to come through the front doors and check in if you are wanting to enter the building.

  • Bus and daycare riders will enter through the front main entrance of the school.

  • In addition, if parents are wanting to walk their child to the classroom, a parking place in the front oval would be a good place to park as ALL visitors will need to check in at the office. There will be NO parking along the front oval curb as we need to leave this clear for busses and daycare drop off.

  • Once students have entered the building they will not go directly to their classrooms until the bell rings at 7:40. If your child is eating breakfast, he or she may go to the cafeteria. All other students will report to the gym where there will be morning supervision.

  • When the bell rings at 7:40, all students can make their way to their classrooms.

  • Staff will be on hand stationed throughout the building to welcome students and assist them with finding classrooms.

  • Instruction begins at 7:50.


  • Walkers/bike riders will be released at 2:50 when the bell rings. Students should exit at the nearest door immediately.

  • At Truman Primary, we use the dismissal program, Car Rider Plus. Parents will have a numbered hang tag for their car which will be keyed into a computer program by one of our staff members. Car riders will remain in the classroom and students will be notified electronically that their ride has arrived. Students will proceed to the north or south doors to meet a staff member who will see them to their car. If you would like to walk to school to pick up your child, you will need to have your dismissal tag with you on the library patio at the front of the building. Please remember, the library patio is a NO VAPE area.

  • PreK and Kdg bus and daycare riders will be escorted to the gym for dismissal. 1st and 2nd grade bus and daycare riders will remain in the classroom. Students will be called over the intercom to proceed to the gym when their bus has arrived.

  • Students who attend CASP will be dismissed at 2:50 to proceed to the cafeteria.

  • Older siblings will not walk over to Primary for dismissal- they will need to be picked up at Truman Elementary

Additional notes about arrival and dismissal:

  • Please be patient. Student safety is the priority - efficiency is a bonus, and will come with practice.

  • Please be kind- the carpool process is another new piece for many families and we want to all graciously allow time to learn the procedures.

  • The carpool line is a no cell phone zone. Our students deserve everyone's undivided attention when loading and unloading.

  • If you carpool with another family regularly, please provide them with a hangtag for your family number. Additional tags are available by contacting the office.