
Sora (Ebooks/Audiobooks)

How to access free ebooks/audiobooks using Sora!

  • Download Sora from the App or Google Play Store or go to

  • Find Your School Norman Public High Schools or use the setup code normanhsok

  • Login (Username = Your ID number and Password =9876)

  • Touch “Find a Book” to be taken to the ebook/audio book catalog

  • Browse, download with one touch, listen/read, and enjoy!

  • Add the public library by going to your profile and selecting "add public library"

  • When you're ready to check out an ebook or audiobook from the public library you will need to select "Norman Public High Schools" from the drop down menu and log in with your ID number and 9876 as the PIN.

How to access Sora on your computer

How to download the Sora app on your device

Adding your public library (on your computer)

Adding your public library (on the app)