Library Learning Commons
Welcome to the Ike Library, where students are encouraged to think, create, share, and grow. Each day, you can find us thinking critically, using technology, conducting inquiry projects, enjoying literature, making creative products, collaborating with one another, and sharing what we learn.
Norman Public schools has a broad range of databases for both in-school an at home learning.
The Pioneer Library System has a broad range of downloadable materials and learning resources as well, including live online homework help on weekdays from 2-11pm! Check out these links for more information:
What Can You Expect at Our Library?
We have lots of great books for checking out and taking home. We do not limit the number of books that students may check out; this is the standard practice of Norman Public Schools. If your child needs to return books, you may receive a notification. We do not charge fines, but we do encourage responsibility by asking students to return books. If you ever have questions or concerns, please contact me at.
Guided Inquiry Design is the model that we use for research and project-based learning. We will do at least one Guided Inquiry unit per grade level, likely more for upper grades.
We have lots of technology and maker materials in the library. The library is not only a place to read books, but also to explore information in all of its forms and to be creative and engaged in hands-on learning.
Thank you for sharing your students with us!
Julie Kreft M.L.I.S, Teacher Librarian, Eisenhower Elementary
We have also been developing our Guided Inquiry skills (NPS's research method), building some amazing creations, and reading, reading, reading. Thank you for all of your support. We are loving our Ike library program! Be sure and follow all of our fun and learning on Instagram @ikelibrarynorman.
Students will never be denied access to books or information for any reason.
Students are encouraged to independently locate, select, and check out materials.
Students will participate in lessons that help them grow into lifelong learners.
Students SHINE in the library by being respectful of others, responsible with library materials, and in control of their bodies and voices
NPS Library Program Mission:
The mission of the Norman Public Schools Library Program is to create lifelong readers who are effective and efficient consumers of information and knowledge.
To accomplish this mission:
Librarians work cooperatively with teachers and others to integrate information skills with classroom content.
Library programs provide intellectual and physical access to materials in a variety of formats.
A partnership is essential to the success of this mission. It requires the active involvement and support of the administration, teachers, and school community.
We have made every reasonable attempt to ensure that our web pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to materials that violate the District's Student Policy on Internet and Internet Safety for the Computer Network. Unless specified otherwise, questions concerning this site should be directed via Email.