Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Students should arrive on campus no earlier than 8:15 unless they are enrolled in a zero hour class.
Students may enter the building at 8:15 and get breakfast from the cafeteria or a breakfast cart on their way to Homeroom. Zero hour students may enter at 7:15.
Our car rider doors are locked at 8:33. If you pull in the Garrison loop after 8:32, your student will need to remain in the car and be dropped off in the front loop.
Once on campus, students may not leave again until 3:40 without being checked out in the office by a parent or guardian.
Late Arrival
Students who are less than five minutes late should report directly to class. The teacher will assign an appropriate consequence for the tardy.
Students who are more than five minutes late for school must report to the office to sign the “check in” sheet. The attendance secretary will determine whether the tardy is excused or not. Office personnel will issue an admit to class.
Classes are dismissed at 3:40 p.m. Students should leave the building and grounds as quickly as possible. At 3:55, our car rider line moves from Garrison to the front loop where students need to be picked up no later than 4pm. Once off campus, students should go directly home and are not to return to campus. Students waiting on buses or parents may not leave campus and return.
Students may ride bicycles to and from school provided they do so in a safe and orderly manner.
Bicycles are to be locked in the bike rack on arrival at school and must be walked directly off campus at the end of the day.
Because of the heavy bus traffic and parents picking up students at the end of the day, students riding bicycles should use extreme caution as they ride home. (Students should not loiter or ride bicycles on or around the campus and should proceed directly off campus after school.)
A bike rack is provided for student use; however, Alcott Middle School is not responsible for theft or vandalism of bicycles brought to or left on campus.
Students desiring to ride a motorcycle or moped to school must meet with the principal to discuss conditions and get permission to ride one to school.
Failure to follow these guidelines and operate a bicycle/moped in a safe and orderly manner may result in the loss of riding privileges.